
Payment facility using an app “Kuickpay” that brings payment gateways to provide one window payment solution for
monthly bills from 24 different banks nationwide in real time.

How to pay using “Kuickpay”:

  1. Mobile Banking
    Sign in to your Bank’s Internet Banking, Mobile Banking or visit any ATM machine
  2. Bill Payment
    Select monthly bill Payment / Payments and then select ‘kuickpay’ from given categories
  3. Invoice Procedure
    Enter the monthly bill number on your bill statement sheet & proceed. Make sure to enter your personal Consumer ID mentioned on your bill.
  4. Payments alert.
    Confirm your monthly bill details and proceed to payment. Payment alerts will be received through SMS. Members will receive SMS from 8764.


You can also pay your bills through IBFT or Credit Card.


Note: For the time being, system will only accept/process the exact amount mentioned on your bill.